Trail Boss Guidelines
The Trail Boss is generally responsible for making the arrangements in advance for the activities during the actual rally event. These would normally include whatever meals or refreshments that would be planned for the whole group, as well as any other group activities such as local tours or games. The actual program details are completely at the discretion of the Trail Boss. Currently, a rally is three days in duration, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Weekdays are preferred because of less freeway traffic and lower cost for RV sites. The Club currently pays for trail bosses and assistant trail bosses rally site fees.
The Trail Boss should solicit assistance from another couple (Assistant Trail Bosses) and other club members as needed. We have found that completing a rally program form several months ahead listing forthcoming rally activities is very helpful. The rally program should include the resort location, dates and tentative scheduled events including meals which may be prepare by the trail boss, catered, pot luck by attendees or simply "On Your Own".
The following form is offered as a guide only, new ideas are very welcome. Copies of the rally program form are normally distributed to the membership several weeks in advance of the outing, along with the rally signup form. Attached is a sample rally form which can be copied and modified by the trail boss.
Left click on PDF icon to view and copy the sample Rally Form